Non stop!

Hi all

I’ve been a bit quiet recently not because I can’t be bothered to write but because I haven’t had a lot to talk about except all my running and that can get a bit boring.

Anyhow I have a new challenge I am joining a group of ladies and a personal instructor on the pretty muddy 5km race for life. I am so excited but really need to get the running distance under my belt, I do have time it’s not until 4th July in Southampton

So my title says it all tonight I ran 1.51 miles non stop which is amazing for me as I am not a long distance runner but it’s a start and will eventually get there.

Anyhow all my exercise and slightly healthier eating seems to be paying off I have lost weight not loads but 1 lb and it’s better to lose it slowly as it is more than likely to stay off rather than lose it quickly. My clothes don’t feel any bigger yet but they will eventually if I carry on, so I have a new challenge and I am accepting it with massive open arms and really enjoying being out in the fresh air and not having a care in the world for a small amount of time,

Anyhow will keep you updated.

Non stop running Mrs g. X

Progress steady but working

Evening all

I’ve been a bit slack recently with my blogs but I am back.

So my exercise regime went to pot last week as I had my hair cut and then my hubby was out on Thursday so did a quick meal and didn’t do much else.

So since then I’ve been hitting the exercise hard and eating healthy, Friday I went for a small run which felt great and I am finding it easier each time I go out. Really pleased with the progress.

I went for a bike ride in the new forest on Sunday which felt really good I love being out in the fresh air, I chose a vegetarian lasagne to eat after which wasn’t the healthiest but I had just cycled nearly 10 miles.

Anyway onto another week and the last week of January, Monday came round far too quick but I did make it though and go for a run although it was cold and my leggings kept falling down I did make it round. Tuesday is netball night and there was enough to play mini netball game so did lots of running which is harder as its explosive running rather than over a distance, I will feel fit.

Tonight yoga night, I’ve made a huge decision and contacted the ymca fit regarding the yoga course, I am going to become a yoga teacher I just need to get my finances in ship shape so any comments on this would be greatly appreciated. Anyhow it was twist alignment and my back feels brand new it was all about making space and twisting out the tension, I love it. Came home and wrote down what we did so that when I am on my course or need to do my own lesson plans I have ideas already.

Anyway half way through the week and will continue with my running and healthy eating.

Night night xxx

A little bit of rain won’t stop me

Hi all

Hope your well.

I am doing just fine and dandy been busy but had enough time to still exercise.

My exercise had been good went to another class Friday night after I finished coached, got up early to attend my friends new yoga but unfortunately I was the only one that turned up so we went and had coffee and catch up as I’ve not seen her for a while. The weekend went by in a flash. Anyhow Monday arrived back to work boo…. So I’ve eaten quite healthy and been for a run and did some bits indoors like sit ups and squats.

As my title says rain won’t stop me so I’ve had to cancel netball as its too dangerous to play on a wet court especially when temperatures are below 1c, but that didn’t stop me going for a run albeit small and not too far, it’s better than nothing, came home and did some weigh and sit ups. Feeling good.

I had a lovely compliment today a colleague who hasn’t seen me for a while asked if I had been to the gym as I was looking well which means all this healthy eating and exercise appears to be doing the job.

Even if you can’t see the progress someone else will. Really pleased and am hoping 2015 is my year to look fit and healthy and become good at running and a yoga instructor. I wish was already work has been annoying me but ah well…. It will come to me eventually.

Have a good evening.

Run like the wind!!!!

Evening all

Sorry for the lack of blogs I’ve been a busy bee.

So I ended on Monday doing weights. Tuesday was my normal netball night, I have to say it was a very energetic session although very chilli. Anyhow I felt good and was really pleased with the numbers that made it.

Wednesday I received an email from my yoga instructor saying it was core work, yikes!!!! It was a good session and I actually learnt a lot from it, core doesn’t mean just your tummy your core muscles start at the arch of your feet and work up. I certainly felt like my core worked hard last night. It was a miserable night so glad it was yoga night.

Tonight I went for a run and went that bit further and came home and did some sit ups, press ups and lunges, I will have a bikini body…. Really want to lose a stone by the time I go skiing during the Easter holidays.

I have also found someone that it putting together a team for a 5k pretty muddy race for life, so I now also have a goal that I am working too, I feel I need to work towards something and have a challenge. It’s all about working to something that will make you work that much harder.

Well time to relax. Will blog tomorrow xxx

It’s damp out there

Evening all

Hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend. I certainly have.

My tagine ended up being lovely even though we had to adapt the receipt and use a different dish.

Was going to go for a run last night but got very busy and ended up going out for tea at zizzi’s, I tried to choose healthy options but always hard. Anyhow I didn’t feel bloated or anything so that’s a good sign.

So today started off good had porridge with berries and low fat natural yoghurt, was yummy, lunch I had a wholemeal tortilla wrap and tuna salad which was delicious and very healthy. Snacked on fruit and nuts and a satsuma. Had salmon fish cakes, peas and a jacket potato for tea, I have put all this into my fitness pal and it is below my calorie allowance yippee.

So as my titles says is damp outside therefore I didn’t go for my run however I did some weights and interval cardio training 20 minutes goes very quick.

Any how fingers crossed it’s not raining tomorrow.

I keep meaning to say I’ve download a new app called “you” it’s run by Jamie Oliver and you do an action a day first action was to do squats or move every day and I have taken this on and on day 10 of doing 10 squats I de decided that I will do one extra so tomorrow will be 14 as it’s the 13th. Legs are feeling good.

As I mentioned I was going to get on my scales after 1 week and have found that all this exercise and healthier eating has proven to be a success o have lost 1.2 lbs in 1 weeks, not loads but needless to say I am very happy with this. Fingers crossed it continues and my clothes become far too big on me.

I now have a ski holiday to get prepared for in April so onwards and upwards towards my goal. Eeek

Speak tomorrow.

A learning curve

Evening all

Today has been a good day had a lie in and had a sausage sandwich for brunch, went food shopping and brought lots of fresh ingredients.

Tonight I was preparing to use my new tagine which I got for Christmas, started cooking on the hob, following the recipe and it cracked, I am gutted. It’s all a learning curve I guess, I had to adapt the recipe and use a different pot and cook it in the oven. My hubby reckons he can glue my tagine back together. Fingers crossed!!

Anyhow I am very much looking forward to the meal tonight. Will return tomorrow and let you know how it turned out.

Motto today is its all a learning curve you never know unless you try.

Best take that comment and learn about yoga so I can one day become a yoga teacher.

Have a lovely Saturday night xx

Attack those calories

Evening all

Hope your well.

Today started off good had lemon and hot water and my juice that I prepared last night, snacked on a musli bar and some nuts. At work it was fish and chip Friday so had a tandoori chicken wrap that was the healthiest I could do.

I finish early on a Friday as I coach gymnastics, it was our 1st one back they were really good sessions although a little evil for the 2nd group as we did a fitness circuit, all ended with very red faces.

I attend a class every other Friday called body attack, it was a new release tonight and was evil. Lots of running and squats with a bit of upper and lower body mixed in with some plank and cycle sit ups at the end. I feel amazing at the end, i got home and had home made chill for tea. Don’t feel like I need to eat anything else, I have noticed that I am not eating until I feel really full which is good.

Fingers crossed for a good result on Monday when I step on the scales just to see if I have lost anything.

Today I have found that I am quite fit just can give up quite easily which is why I like classes as they do push you rather than going to the gym as you can do what you want and give up.

Next week I will be doing attack again as it’s the same instructor so let’s see how I feel after next week.

Have a good weekend, i may go for a run see how my legs are after the class tonight as at the moment they ache.

Chilling for the evening

Hi all

So after a stressful day I decided a run was in order, I did and incorporated some walking lunges and squats. Go me I will have nice legs and a flat stomach.

Food wise I was prepared and juiced last night again go me, I like. Being prepared had my salad and rye bread still not a lover of it ah well. For tea we lacked inspiration so ended up having left over spaghetti bolognese was delicious.

Back to being prepared I am going to juice again tonight for my breakfast tomorrow and get an early night.

Motto today is keep it short and sweet, just as my run was still went which is good!!!

Enjoy your evening xx

Thank you for your practice

So half way through the week yippee. Can you tell I am loving being back at work not!!! Anyhow been a good day food wise, had cornflakes with raisins yummy, and made an Anna Richardson body blitz recipe for lunch which was rye bread not a lover but tried it and have it again tomorrow with Parma ham, chicken breast and salad. Tea was chicken balti with steamed rice and nann bread, anyhow with this food it was all under my daily calorie allowance go me, I had some snacks as well.

I had yoga tonight and needed it after some one decided they wanted my lane and luckily only got away with a broken wing mirror. Better get that fixed tomorrow.

Anyhow tonight’s exercise was vinyasa yoga, I have become in love with it, it’s not all relaxation, tonight was all about building your foundations which are you feet very challenging and painful on my little feet. I will one day be doing my dream of teaching yoga. Always wanted a job with fitness but ended up sitting in an office doing accounts for my dad. He won’t be working be the owner of the company one day with so want to prepare as I don’t think I will want to either.

My motto for today is be prepared and relax.

Juice all ready for my breakfast tomorrow.

Night all.

Mrs g one a yoga teacher….. 😄

1st day back at work…

So today was my first day back at work set my alarm and got up without snoozing yippee. Kicked off the day with a hot water and lemon supposed to be really good for you and detox, going to try and do this every day as soon as I wake up. After this decided that to be good I needed to have my breakfast within 45 minutes of waking so juiced almost immediately after my hot water and lemon. Today’s juice wasn’t the nicest it was a clean skin elixir as I am suffering from back skin at the moment,

The juice did make me feel full and snacked on a musli bar about 11am then had my Gino D’acampo ultimate pasta was delicious, I urge everyone to try it really easy to make. Snacked on fruit and had a small chocolate bar, they say don’t deprive yourself of all the bad stuff,if you do you will fall of the bandwagon. Well that’s my motto, I am more likely to lose weight if I don’t deprive myself of all the bad things and have a small portion of it.

Anyhow I feel amazing as I went for my run before my tea which was salmon and spinach risotto, while it was being prepared I also attempted some tabata style workout.

Well today has been a good day and am hoping that I will continue with this new habit of running and more exercise and eating healthier, time to try a new juice tomorrow.

Hope you all have a lovely evening

Chilling Mrs g xx