Progress steady but working

Evening all

I’ve been a bit slack recently with my blogs but I am back.

So my exercise regime went to pot last week as I had my hair cut and then my hubby was out on Thursday so did a quick meal and didn’t do much else.

So since then I’ve been hitting the exercise hard and eating healthy, Friday I went for a small run which felt great and I am finding it easier each time I go out. Really pleased with the progress.

I went for a bike ride in the new forest on Sunday which felt really good I love being out in the fresh air, I chose a vegetarian lasagne to eat after which wasn’t the healthiest but I had just cycled nearly 10 miles.

Anyway onto another week and the last week of January, Monday came round far too quick but I did make it though and go for a run although it was cold and my leggings kept falling down I did make it round. Tuesday is netball night and there was enough to play mini netball game so did lots of running which is harder as its explosive running rather than over a distance, I will feel fit.

Tonight yoga night, I’ve made a huge decision and contacted the ymca fit regarding the yoga course, I am going to become a yoga teacher I just need to get my finances in ship shape so any comments on this would be greatly appreciated. Anyhow it was twist alignment and my back feels brand new it was all about making space and twisting out the tension, I love it. Came home and wrote down what we did so that when I am on my course or need to do my own lesson plans I have ideas already.

Anyway half way through the week and will continue with my running and healthy eating.

Night night xxx

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